Curriculum Vitae
2014: Short course in shadow puppetry with Teatro Gioco Vita, hosted by Unima Iceland and 10 Fingers Theatre.
2009: Short course with Petr Matasek in 'Stage Design for Puppetry' hosted by Unima Iceland.
2006: 6 week internship with puppeteer Bernd Ogrodnik.
2004 - 2007: BA ‘Theatre: Design for Performance’ at Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, London.
2002 - 2004: Foundation course in art and design at Iðnskólinn í Reykjavík.
Soft Encounters - November 2024
Set and costume design for visual and performative installation in Hafnarhús - Reykjavík Art Museum at Reykjavík Dance Festival. With choreographer Katrín Gunnarsdóottir.
Líkaminn er skál / My Body is a Bowl - September 2023
Collaborative creation of devised danceand fine art performance. Artitic directors: Helga Arnalds and Matteo Fargion.
Eitruð litil pilla / Jagged Little Pill - February 2024
Stage design for Reykjavik City Theatre production of the musical by Diablo Cody and Alanis Morrisette. Director: Álfrún Helga Örnólfsdóttir.
Fíasól gefst aldrei upp / Fíasól Never Gives Up - December 2023
Stage design for Reykjavik City Theatre production of new Icelandic children's musical. Director: Þórunn Arna Kristjánsdóttir.
Nominated for Gríman - The Icelandic Theatre Awards: Best Set Design
edition 2: BABEL art space in Trondheim, Norway, March 2023
edition 3: Finlayson Art Area in Tampere, Finland, August 2023
New installations designed for Babel and Finlayson respectively for touring of site sensitiive durational dance performance and installation. Choreographer: Katrín Gunnarsdóttir.
Soft Shell - WORK IN PROGRESS - February-March 2023
Set and costume design for visual and performative installation in Ásmundarsalur. With choreographer Katrín Gunnarsdóottir.
Chicago - January 2023
Stage design for Leikfélag Akureyrar. Director: Marta Nordal. Choreographer: Lee Proud.
ALDA - June 2022
Stage and costume design for installation and durational dance performance at Gerðarsafn in Kópavogur. Choreographer: Katrín Gunnarsdóttir.
Run Through - May 2022
Costume design for final year contemporary dance performance at the Iceland Arts Academy. Choreographer: Katrín Gunnarsdóttir.
Ávaxtakarfan / The Fruit Basket - April 2022
Stage and costume design in collaboration with Alexía Rós Gylfadottir for childrens play by Kikka K.M. Sigurðardóttir. Director: Gói Karlsson.
Ást og upplýsingar / Love and Information - March 2022
Costume design for the Iceland National Theatre production. Play by Caryl Churchill. Director: Una Þorleifsdóttir.
Emil í Kattholti / Emil in Lonneberga - November 2021
Stage design for Reykjavik City Theatre production. Stories by Astrid Lindgren. Director: Þórunn Arna Kristjánsdóttir.
Nominated for Gríman - The Icelandic Theatre Awards: Best Set Design
Rauða kápan / The Red Coat - October 2021
Stage and costume design for lunch theatre at Iceland National Theatre. Play by Bjarni Jónsson. Director: Gréta Kristín Ómarsdóttir.
Út að borða með Ester / Lunch With Esther - September 2021
Stage and costume design for lunch theatre at Iceland National Theatre. Play by Bjarni Jónsson. Director: Gréta Kristín Ómarsdóttir.
Þétting hryggðar / Densification pf Sadness - September 2021
Stage and costume design for Reykjavik City Theatre production. Play by Halldór Halldórsson (Dóri DNA). Director: Una Þorleifsdóttir.
Góðan daginn faggi / Good Morning Faggott - August 2021
Styling for autobiographical one man musical by Bjarni Snæbjörnsson, Gréta Kristín Ómarsdóttir and Axel Ingi Árnason in the Iceland National Theatre.
Mother Melancholia - July 2021
Production design for music video / film to music by Sóley Stefánsdóttir. Produced by Source Material. Director: Samantha Shay.
Veisla / Party - May 2021
Stage and costume design for Reykjavik City Theatre production. Play by Saga Garðarsdóttir. Director: Bergur Þór Ingólfsson.
Stúlkan sem stöðvaði heiminn / The Girl Who Stopped the World - March 2021
Stage and costume design in collaboration with Helga Arnalds for 10 Fingers Theatre and Reykjavik City Theatre production. Director: Helga Arnalds.
Brúðumeistarinn / The Puppet Master - March 2020
Stage and costume design for Brúðuheimar and Iceland National Theatre production. Play by Bernd Ogrodnik. Director: Bergur Þór Ingólfsson.
Meistarinn og Margaríta / The Master and Margarita - December 2019
Costume design for the Iceland National Theatre production of adaptation by Niklas Rådström.. Director: Hilmar Jónsson.
ÞEL / THEL - October 2019
Stage and costume design for Iceland Dance Company production. Choreographer: Katrín Gunnarsdóttir.
Nominated for Gríman - The Icelandic Theatre Awards: Best Set Design / Best Costume Design
Bæng! - April 2019
Costume design for the Reykjavik City Theatre production of a the play by Marius Von Mayenburg. Director: Gréta Kristín Ómarsdóttir.
Nominated for Gríman - The Icelandic Theatre Awards: Best Costume Design
Jónsmessunæturdraumur / Midsummer Night's Dream - March 2019
Stage design for the Iceland National Theatre production of William Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream. Director: Hilmar Jónsson
Hans og Gréta / Hansel and Gretel - November 2018
Stage design for The Icelandic Opera's production in Harpa, Reykjavík. Director: Þórunn Sigþórsdóttir.
Insomnia - November 2018
Costume design in collaboration with Alexía Rós Gylfadóttir for play by Amalie Olesen. Stertabenda production in collaboration with the Iceland National Theatre. Director: Gréta Kristín Ómarsdóttir.
Atómstjarna / Atomstar - June 2018
Stage and costume design in collaboration with project creators Jóní Jónsdóttir, Steinunn Ketilsdóttir and Sveinbjörg Þórhallsdóttir. Performed in Ásmundarsalur as a part of the Reykjavík Arts Festival.
Nominated for Gríman - The Icelandic Theatre Awards: Best Costume Design
End of an Era - May 2018
Stage and costume design for final year contemporary dance performance at the Iceland Arts Academy. Choreographer: Katrín Gunnarsdóttir.
Crescendo - March 2018
Stage and costume design for dance piece at Tjarnarbíó Theatre Reykjavik. Choreographer: Katrín Gunnarsdóttir.
Nominated for Gríman - The Icelandic Theatre Awards: Best Set Design
Skúmaskot - January 2018
Stage and costume design for the Reykjavik City Theatre production of a children's play by Salka Guðmundsdóttir. Director: Gréta Kristín Ómarsdóttir.
Óvinur fólksins / Enemy of the People - September 2017
Stage and costume design for the Iceland National Theatre production of Henrik Ibsen's Enemy of the People. Adaptation and translation by Gréta Kristín Ómarsdóttir and Una Þorleifsdóttir. Director: Una Þorleifsdóttir
Tímaþjófurinn - March 2017
Stage and costume design for the Iceland National Theatre production of play by Melkorka Tekla Ólafsdóttir. Director: Una Þorleifsdóttir
Nominated for Gríman - The Icelandic Theatre Awards: Best Costume Design
Gott fólk - January 2017
Stage, costume and video design for the Iceland National Theatre production of play by Valur Grettisson and Símon Birgisson. Director: Una Þorleifsdóttir
Shades of History - November 2016
Stage and costume design for solo dance piece at Tjarnarbíó Theatre Reykjavik.. Devised, choreographed and performed by Katrín Gunnarsdóttir.
Evgení Onégin - October 2016
Stage design for The Icelandic Opera's production in Harpa, Raykjavík. Director: Anthony Pilavachi.
Nominated for Gríman - The Icelandic Theatre Awards: Best Set Design
Auglýsing ársins - April 2016
Stage and costume design for new play by Tyrfingur Tyrfingsson at the Reykjavík City Theatre. Director: Bergur þór Ingólfsson.
Nominated for Gríman - The Icelandic Theatre Awards: Best Costume Design
Kvika - March 2016
Stage and costume design for contemorary dance at the Iceland Nation Theatre. Choreographer: Katrín Gunnarsdóttir.
I Can't Be Seen Like This - January 2016
Costume design for short film by Anna Gunndís Guðmundsdóttir. Premiered at Reykjavík Internation Film Festival in October 2016.
≈ [UM ÞAÐ BIL] - December 2015
Stage and costume design for the Iceland National Theatre production of play by Jonas Hassan Khemiri. Director: Una Þorleifsdóttir
Bríet - September 2015
Costume design and making for dance theatre performance, premiered at Reykjavik Dance Festival. Script and choreography by Anna Kolfinna Kuran.
Stage and costumes for final year contemporary dance performance at the Iceland Arts Academy. Choreographers: Sveinbjörg Þórhalssdóttir and Steinunn Ketilsdóttir.
Life in Muscle - May 2015
Stage and costumes for final year contemporary dance performance at the Iceland Arts Academy. Choreographer: Tony Vesich.
Hystory - March 2015
Stage and costume design for Sokkabandið production of new play by Kristín Eiríksdóttir in collaboration with The Reykjavik City Theatre. Director: Ólafur Egilsson.
Útlenski drengurinn - November 2014
Costumes for Glenna production of new play by Þórarinn Leifsson. Director: Vigdís Jakobsdóttir.
Konan við 1000° - September 2014
Stage design for National Theatre production of new play by Hallgrímur Helgason. Director: Una Þorleifsdóttir.
Nominated for Gríman - The Icelandic Theatre Awards: Best Set Design
Wide Slumber - May 2014
Stage design for VaVaVoom and Bedroom Community visual theatre and music production in Tjarnarbíó. Music by Valgeir Sigurðsson. Director: Sara Marti Guðmundsdóttir.
Svanir skilja ekki - February 2014
Stage and costume design for National Theatre production of new play by Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir. Director: Charlotte Böving and Benedikt Erlingsson.
Harmsaga - September 2013
Stage and costume design for National Theatre production of new play by Mikael Torfason. Director: Una Þorleifsdóttir.
Aladdín - September 2013
Costumes in collaboration with Mao for Brúðuheimar and Iceland National Theatre production. Puppets by Bernd Ogrodnik. Director: Ágústa Skúladóttir.
Á F E R Ð - May 2013
Stage and costumes for final year contemporary dance performance at the Iceland Arts Academy. Choreographers: Saga Sigurðardóttir, Margrét Bjarnadóttir and the dancers.
Eyja - May 2013
Stage and costumes in collaboration with Mao, for final year contemporary dance performance at the Iceland Arts Academy. Choreographer: Sveinbjörg Þórhallsdóttir.
Hvörf - May 2013
Stage and costumes for Lab Loki and Iceland National Theatre production. Director Rúnar Guðbrandsson.
Breaking News - October 2012
Stage and costume design for VaVaVoom visual theatre production at the Iceland Nation Theatre. Director: Sara Marti Guðmundsdóttir.
Tímaskekkja - October 2012
Stage, costume and lighting for final year theatre performance at the Iceland Arts Academy. Director: Una Þorleifsdóttir.
Strindberg, Aftur sem aldrei fyrr - December 2012
Stage and lighting for final year theatre performance at the Iceland Arts Academy. Director: Egill Heiðar Anton Pálsson.
Sháh Mát: The King is helpless - May 2012
Devising and development af street theatre performance. Reykjavik and London.
Óraland - May 2012
Costume construction and assistant designer to Egill Ingibergsson for final year theatre performance at the Iceland Arts Academy.
Director: Una Þorleifsdóttir.
Little Sister Monster - March 2012
Costume design and construction for childrens puppet theatre by 10 Fingers Theatre. Director: Charlotte Boving. Reykjavik.
Axlar-Björn - January 2012
Puppet construction for play at the Reykjavik City Theatre. Director: Björn Hlynur Haraldsson. produced by Vesturport.
The Lower Depths - September 2011
Scenography and costume design for the Icelandic Arts Academy graduating actors. Director: Rúnar Guðbrandsson. Reykjavik.
With bare eyes - August 2011
Object and puppetry performance, devised and performed by Bakery. Director: Helga Arnalds. National Theatre, Reykjavik.
Laxdæla - November 2011
Technician, stage and costume assistant. Collaboration of puppetry companies Ten Fingers and the Sögusvuntan. Director: Þórhallur Sigurðsson. Maritime Museum and National Theatre, Reykjavik.
Brúðuheimar - May 2010
Designer of Brúðuheimar (World of Puppets) Museum, café and reception/gift shop. Borgarnes.
Opið, Til eru hræ - April-May 2009
An art exhibition of 4 young artist in Gallerí Kling&Bang. Reykjavik.
Inside Out - August 2008
Propmaking for Circus Cirkör. Director: Tilde Björfors. Sweden.
Massgraves - April 2008
Scenography and costume design, costume and puppet making and special effects make up for ‘Lamb Lays with Lion theatre company. Dierctor: Jeremey Catterton. Bedlam Theatre, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Idigaragua - September 2007
Scenography and costume design, costume and puppet making and special effects make up for ‘rock opera’ by the band ‘Fort Wilson Riot’ and theatre company ‘Lamb Lays with Lion’. Dierctor: Jeremey Catterton. Bedlam Theatre, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Nómi - July 2007
Scenography and costume design for movie pilot of Nomi, a puppet movie. Story and puppets by Bernd Ogrodnik.
Auspex - june 2007
Devising, designing and making for performance collaboration by 8 graduation students from Central Saint Martins Design for performance for the Prague Quadrennial, Scenofest.
S-24 TV advertisements - April 2007
Set design and building. Puppets and story by Bernd Ogrodnik.
Umbreyting / Metamorphosis - April 2006
Assistant designer and set builder for puppeteer Bernd Ogrodnik’s solo show. National Theatre, Reykjavik.
Der Freiscutz - June 2006
Costume design for The Summer Opera. Director: Jón Gunnar Þórðarson. National Theatre, Reykjavik.
Pure Iceland, January-March 2006
Costume design and making for an interactive exhibition. Science Museum, London.
Reykjavik Nights, May-July 2004
Costume design and dressing for TV series. Director: Agnar Jón Egilsson. Prodeuced by Sögn E.hf. Reykjavik.